2: When Variables are More Reliable than School Wi-Fi

AP Computer Science A Aug 16, 2023

Hey KISJ champs! 🚀 Remember that time when you had to sprint across the school in 5 minutes because someone thought shortening the moving period was a genius idea? Well, today we're diving into something that's a bit more chill: Java variables and data types. Let's roll!

Java Variables: Storage Boxes of the Digital World

Think of Java variables like your school lockers. You store stuff in them, sometimes forget what's inside, and occasionally find a half-eaten sandwich from J&J catering (which, let's be honest, wasn't that tasty to begin with).

In Java, you first label your locker (declare the variable) and then stuff it:

int hoursWastedOnTetris;
hoursWastedOnTetris = 1000;  // Just an estimate, right?

Once declared, you can breathe life into these variables by assigning them values.

Exploring Java's Data Types: A Tour

Just like KISJ has its cliques, Java has its data types. Today, we're focusing on the Primitive datatypes. Why? Because they're like the sprinters of KISJ – super fast, especially when you're trying to make it to class on the opposite side of the school in 5 minutes. 🏃💨

Variable Description Example
Byte The freshmen. Small but feisty. Can range from -128 to 127. byte b = 100;
Short The sophomores. A bit more room to grow, ranging from -32,768 to 32,767. short s = 2000;
Int The juniors. They think they rule the school, with values from about -2.1 billion to 2.1 billion. int i = 100000;
Long The seniors. The big shots on campus. Always add an 'L' to recognize them, and they have a HUGE range. long l = 10000000000L;
Float The artsy kids. Floats are 32-bit and need an 'f'. float f = 3.14f;
Double It sounds similar to float, doubles uses 64-bit and more precise. double d = 3.1415926535;
Boolean Reads a short value from the user boolean isSchoolLunchTasty = false;
Char The quiet ones. They only say one thing at a time, storing a single 16-bit Unicode character. char c = 'J';

Conversations in Java: Printing Variables

Remember how from our last session that System.out.println() lets Java talk? Here's how you make Java spill the beans:

int daysUntilNextLLB = 1;
System.out.println("Days until my next LLB: " + daysUntilNextLLB);

Operational Mastery in Java

Java lets you do math without the fear of a pop quiz. Add, subtract, compare, and more! It can perform arithmetic, comparisons, or even logical evaluations with ease. Java supports a myriad of operators for your computational needs.

This includes arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %), comparison operations (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=), and logical operations (&&, ||, !). For example,

int x = 10;
int y = 5;
int z = x + y; // z will be 15
boolean a = x == y; // a will be false
boolean b = x > y || y < 2; // b will be true

Naming Your Variables: The KISJ Yearbook

Naming variables in Java is like getting your yearbook title. Be clear, be cool, and definitely don't use your secret nickname that only your mom calls you.

  1. Start Small: Kick off with a lowercase letter. Like age, not Age.
  2. Be Chatty: Make it clear! numberOfLateNights tells a better story than n.
  3. Ride the Camel: Got a long name? Use CamelCase! So, it's morningCoffee, not morning_coffee.
  4. No Shortcuts: Spell it out! homeworkDeadline is clearer than hwDl.
  5. Avoid the VIPs: Java's got some reserved celebs like int, double, and class. Don't name-drop them!
  6. Keep it Clean: Stick to letters, numbers, and underscores. So, exam_panic_level, not exam$panic%level.

Java API's Math Class: The Nerd Club

Remember when you tried to memorize all the test questions your friend told you and still got a F? Well, with Java's Math class, you don't need to memorize. It's got all the math tools you need, like finding the square root of how many times you've complained about the Wi-Fi.

For instance, ever wondered how many times you'd have to sprint from one end of the school to the other in a day, given the new "brilliant" 5-minute moving period? Let's find out:

double totalSchoolDayMinutes = 480;  // Assuming an 8-hour school day
double sprintsPerDay = totalSchoolDayMinutes / 5;  
System.out.println("Number of sprints per day: " + Math.ceil(sprintsPerDay));  // Outputs 96, but we'll round up because you're always running!

So, KISJ coders, that's a wrap for today! Dive into Java, and maybe, just maybe, you'll find it more engaging than trying to find the perfect seat in class to play Tetris unnoticed. 😉 Happy coding! 🎉👩‍💻👨‍💻
